SSNAP2021/22 2023/242021/222019/202017/182015/16 Sort by Winners Sort by Winners Artist name Artwork title Region 2021/22 Winners Dreams Tonite. Highway Reflection, The Eraser Juror's Choice Award Raven Steals the Sun Virginia Morgan Juror's Choice Award Lunch Sherry Park Juror's Choice Award Hot Rod Pink Klehwetua Rodney Sayers Juror's Choice Award Shock Jacqueline Huskisson Salt Spring Artist Award Canadian Farmhouse 1 Connie Kuhns People's Choice Award - 1st prize Métis Pride Erin Stagg People's Choice Award - 2nd prize Seize the Moment Charles Choi People's Choice Award - 3rd prize The Return Michael NF Cywink People's Choice Award - Youth Vote Still Water David Gluck 2021/22 Finalists El Nazareno Cecilia Barboza Between Rock and a Hard Place Anna Belleforte A bundle… of gathered… Katherine Boyer CONTACT (Untitled No. 7) Olivia Brouwer Venetian Laundry Day Monique Campbell Dik’aaz (It is red) Glenna Cardinal Sikapinakii Lauren Crazybull For Your Own Good Christine De Vuono Ita Kā-Wīthōtihk Mīciwin – The Place Where There is an Abundance of Food Devonn Drossel Mission Indian Day School Michel Dumont Russell Mitchell Fenton We’ll need these wounds to clear out the mist Laurena Finéus Category Is: 2020 Realness Celine Gabrielle Fold Ella Gonzales Skateboarding is Medicine Lucas Hale Lifers Noelle Hamlyn Carbon Pulse: The Salish Sea Colton Hash Spring Light Kelly Haydon Elsie and Tom Edward Hughes Ode to My Mother’s Needles Sunroop Kaur Conditioning Kasia Latos Enacting Parts Heather Leier Go Help Grandma With the Dishes Maria-Margaretta Thunder Sandy Middleton Birch Corset 2 Rebekah Miller Release Connie Morey Father Stone Throw, are you Pathetic or are you Brokenhearted? Paul Nadeau Ruff, Edition 1 of 1 Save Our Souls Joanna Rogers Welder Laura Rosengren Lori Furey, from the series “Ordinary People” Dona Schwartz HEAVEN (the complete version) Dorion Scott Gilded Pod Ralph Simpson Nova Nicole Sleeth NDN Aunties Michelle Sound Eloise Spitzer II Kali Spitzer Pas Finii – (we are) Not Finished Kim Stewart The narrows Richard Talbot Pale Shelter Alessandro Tomassetti Highway of Tears Steve Wilson Dad in Mask Carol Wylie