
Mitchell Fenton
Toronto, ON


38.5" x 48"


Oil on canvas, unframed

I attempted the “Quadruple Entendre” with this new painting “Russell.” My parents were born 100 years ago in small-town Alberta to families of cowboys, daredevils, entrepreneurs, and sharpshooters. When I came along, we lived on the Prairies – my father, a history teacher, and my mother, an active feminist. One thing I learned early on was how to make the sheets smell nice, even in winter! This is a painting of my son Russell. It is the first single in a new, upcoming album featuring cowboys (cowpersons) painted in the domestic genre.


Mitchell Fenton
Toronto, ON

À propos de l'artiste
À propos de l'artiste

Mitchell Fenton
Toronto, ON

Mitchell Fenton - I've always enjoyed making art! But it was at school that I decided I wanted to pursue it full-time. The moment came when my kindergarten teacher held up my painting – she liked it because the blue sky went from the top of the page all the way down to the green horizon line near the bottom (The school of thought at that time was a blue line at the top, a green line at the bottom with a lot of space between). I had fallen in love with making art. Here I am, 50 some years later.

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