Pas Finii – (we are) Not Finished

Kim Stewart
Kamloops, BC


9" x 10.5"


Beadwork applique on vintage paper and linen, unframed

I am a Métis artist, and my work explores what it means to be an Indigenous person in this time and place. This piece is from my counter-mapping series. Counter-mapping is a form of map-making or charting of stories/culture that consists of making marks of resistance on top of a western representation of space and time. In this case, an economic resources map of Canada from the 1947 Dent’s Canadian School Atlas. It is a challenge against political ideas of geography, borders, boundaries, possession, economic, social, and cultural relations on the land.

Pas Finii – (we are) Not Finished

Kim Stewart
Kamloops, BC

À propos de l'artiste
À propos de l'artiste

Kim Stewart
Kamloops, BC

Kim Stewart is a Métis artist whose creative practice is nourished by her cultural heritage. Kim lives a blended Euro-Indigenous life constructing artwork that combines Métis artforms with pop culture and memorabilia from her past. A grant from the Canada Council of the Arts supported Kim's artistic look into the 1950's, '60's, and '70's Cowboy and Indian pop culture. This led to her current work, "counter mapping," where she charts stories with beadwork on vintage maps adding an indigenous voice to cartographic representations of land.

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