If You Look Down on Me, You See Nothing

Martin Herbert
Salt Spring Island, BC


60" x 20" x 43"


Wood, Paper, Graphite

If you look down on me, you see nothing When I was young, a decades-long, planned, government-sanctioned policy buried children my age in unmarked graves.  Now that we know, what?  Acknowledge. Reflect. Remember. Thank the elders of our First Nations who guarded the spirit and traditions of their people, keeping them resilient.  By remaining silent, we become complicit.   If I remain silent, I become complicit. Kneel with me.

If You Look Down on Me, You See Nothing

Martin Herbert
Salt Spring Island, BC

À propos de l'artiste
À propos de l'artiste

Martin Herbert
Salt Spring Island, BC

Martin Herbert has spent his whole working life involved in the fine arts. His visual artwork has been cross pollinated by collaborations with theatre, music, and puppetry. For the last two decades, Martin has been working on Interactive Sculptures. Sometimes they are performance-based, but quite often they are in a quasi-book-based format like the piece in this show. The artist asks you to read and follow the instructions on how to view the work to get the full effect.