Still Snow

Anne-Laure Djaballah
Lethbridge, AB


60" x 48"


Acrylic on canvas

For me, painting is intimately connected to place—the landscape, the seasons and the weather that trigger memories, alter moods, and slowly come to inhabit me as I walk the paths that become my routine. Moments both familiar and yet surprising call me to stop and pay attention. I try to capture these when walking and also while painting.

Still Snow

Anne-Laure Djaballah
Lethbridge, AB

About the artist
About the artist

Anne-Laure Djaballah
Lethbridge, AB

Having spent most of my life in urban areas, the last three years I spent in Lethbridge, Alberta.Pursuing my MFA brought me to a whole new landscape to discover. This shift led me to ex-plore ideas about space, walking, the edges of surfaces, and how these all relate to painting.

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