Reclaim Saw

Peter McFarlane
Saltspring Island, BC

People's Choice Award - 2nd prize


13" x 52" x 11"


chainsaw, steel and aluminum

Reclaim Saw (Enantiodromia)
The chainsaw’s iconic masculine profile and metaphoric potential provided an endless source of possibilities. Its ability to clearcut nature (and consequently culture) as well as the potential to consume itself referenced for me the Jungian term “Enantiodromia”, defined as things turning into their opposite when they reach their extreme, which provides a possibility of the way things could be.

People's Choice Award - 2nd prize

Reclaim Saw

Peter McFarlane
Saltspring Island, BC

About the artist
About the artist

Peter McFarlane
Saltspring Island, BC

Peter McFarlane has been a professional artist for 25 years and his work is in public and private collections on 3 continents. He relies on obsessively long hours, serendipity and taking risks to uncover his ideas. He works with everyday recycled materials that he manipulates to contour and re-contextualize meaning and challenge the viewer's expectation and perception of the object. He hopes it makes the audience look more closely, think more intimately and re-evaluate aspects of their own existence. He believes that by valuing the object, we are less likely to chronically replace it and thus the possibility exists to create a more comprehensive understanding of the world around us. He believes waste and garbage are just a lack of imagination.

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