Off Season

Chris MacKenzie
Burnaby, BC


24" x 36"


Photography, C-Print

On a fog-laden morning in January last year I decided to explore some small local beaches. At one, I felt I’d sit for a bit. In the stillness you could hear the sand dampen, touch one last splash. You could see passage, and smell a distant sun. From this, “Off Season” emerged.

Off Season

Chris MacKenzie
Burnaby, BC

About the artist
About the artist

Chris MacKenzie
Burnaby, BC

As a photographer and land artist I wander. Though I do sometimes seek out a place with an idea, imposition rarely works. The place lets me know what’s there, what will be. There’s always something, but to find it I must be present. So I wander. Listening, feeling, touching. Sometimes I see it. Other times I keep wandering. My work is a quiet engagement with the subject, whether with a guard chair or working with stones and branches in the forest. For me the experience must be emotive, sensory, ephemeral. Vancouver based, along with my art I lecture in sociology at the University of British Columbia. Working in film and digital with Nikon equipment, my pieces regularly appear in solo and group exhibitions and have been consistently recognized by the likes of Photographer’s Forum and the International Photographic Awards.

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