Gathering Under the Arc

Doreen Palme
Salt Spring Island, BC


26" x 16" x 11"


Sculptured driftwood on metal base plate

Gathering Under the Arc: Is this Arc a symbol of shelter, a common spirit, freedom, family or friendship?
Why not a bit of everything you need and might dream to be part of it?
Different individuals in this sculpture gather under it peacefully, feeling, living and communicating without aggression or fear.
Being part of it, being accepted and to belong as an ideal symbol of family, community, nation and inclusion.

Gathering Under the Arc

Doreen Palme
Salt Spring Island, BC

About the artist
About the artist

Doreen Palme
Salt Spring Island, BC

Born in the former East Germany (1968), after the Wall came down, and having completed my studies in economics, I moved to West Germany where I worked for 20 years as a credit risk analyst.
My first visit to Canada in 2009 changed my life because I fell in love with this country. Since the beginning of 2017, Salt Spring has been home to my husband and me. With the change to our lives, I found my way from economics and numbers to carving and creating with driftwood, thus developing my deep passion for nature and art.

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