
The Salt Spring National Art Prize Society is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that relies on public support to make SSNAP possible. Your support directly contributes to a more vibrant and accessible Canadian arts scene.

We gratefully accept donations. Choose your preferred method and donate today.
The Salt Spring National Art Prize Society is a registered charity and will issue tax receipts for donations above $20.
Our charitable organization number is
#72047 8338 RR0001.

Other ways to donate

Donate with a Cheque

Please make out cheques to: Salt Spring National Art Prize Society
Mail to: 477 Horel Road, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2C6

Donate Securities

Donating securities is a tax-smart way to donate. If you would like to donate securities, please contact SSNAP Society.


Our current donors

SSNAP would not be possible without the ongoing support of our generous donors and we are enormously grateful for their contributions. Thank you to our current donors for supporting Canadian art.


Craig, Brian and Shelley Kuipers

Bryant, Julie and Bill Roach

Halliwell, Janet E. and Robin

McConnell, Joan

Mulherin Family

Randles, Margo and Brant

Wettstein Family

Whitfield, Michael

Wilding Foundation



John and Nina Cassils, Ronald T. Crawford, John and Vicki Dalziel, David and Paula Demers, Alexandra and David Dunnison, Sandi Heath, Anne and Scott Kirker, Bob and Liesbeth Leatherbarrow, John D. Lefebvre and Hilary D. Watson, Donald MacKenzie and Luis Arujo, Razali May, Alexandra Montgomery and Howard Jang, Cathy and Eric Patel, Jim and Catherine Peplinski, Ruth Peters, John Reid and Maureen Howe , Roxanne and Tom Shepansky, Leigh Smythe, Susan Tinker, Michael Wybrew and Cristine Cumming, Dana Young and Jack Speirs, Donna Hall, Yair Wand, Lisa Kabatoff, Kristine Webber, Julie Young

Other ways to support SSNAP

Creating a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive arts community takes many hands. Here’s how else you can help.