The Wrecking Ball John ReidSalt Spring Island, BC Dimension 29" x 12" x 9" Médium Mixed media—ceramics, metal and electrical parts Mixing mediums has become an exploration into the synergy of seemingly unrelated objects that will manifest and coalesce into a uniquely singular piece: in effect, the sum of its parts. A shifting highrise, a metal crane wielding a glass wrecking ball, working in concert to provoke constructive conversation about the future of our aging cities. The Wrecking Ball John ReidSalt Spring Island, BC À propos de l'artiste À propos de l'artiste John ReidSalt Spring Island, BC Upon graduating in 1979 from a three-year arts program in Cornwall, Ontario, I worked as a senior layout artist for a retail food distributor, an art director for a Calgary business magazine, and finally a corporate graphics designer, managing a team of designers, photographers, and videographers. Along the way, I received awards for excellence in magazine design and for international trade show booth design. My proudest accomplishment: employee of the month! Along the way, clay work has remained a persistent passion, and this forty-year adventure has formed the building blocks for the sculptural artist I am today.