Hands and Knees

Nicki Brooks
Toronto, ON


12" x 12"


Oil on Paper

What interested me in this painting (a part of a larger series) is the fleshiness, those subtle shifts of tone and hue, shape and form. I find excitement in the abstract qualities of lumps of colour that have been mushed together to create something that is, all together, representational. The framing of this image forces the viewer to take in those shapes and brushstrokes as abstraction, while also maintaining the whole for what it is, a figure full of intimate human emotion.

Hands and Knees

Nicki Brooks
Toronto, ON

À propos de l'artiste
À propos de l'artiste

Nicki Brooks
Toronto, ON

Nicki Brooks is a Canadian artist currently working and living in Toronto. She is a graduate of the OCADU Drawing and Painting program and selected participant of the Florence Abroad Program of 2009. She is passionate about exploring all forms of mark-making and media, and is often found experimenting with new methods and materials. She is currently focused on representational oil painting and is always drawing inspiration both from nature and the quiet, intimate moments of personal life.

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