4.1.11 Islet

John David James
Salt Spring Island, BC


48" x 32"


Mix media acrylic on Colour Photograph

The work explores the intersection between landscape and abstraction. Elements from within a scene are isolated and reframed to create a dialogue around place and materiality.

4.1.11 Islet

John David James
Salt Spring Island, BC

À propos de l'artiste
À propos de l'artiste

John David James
Salt Spring Island, BC

John David James is a conceptual artist who wasraised in Strachan Creek, British Columbia. He cur-rently resides on Salt Spring Island. His works ap-pear in many private and public collections.John David James makes paintings, photos, filmsand conceptual artworks. Often his images are de-constructed to the extent that meaning is shifted andcreates multiple interpretations. Many of his themesdirectly respond to his surrounding environment andits history.

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