Category Is: 2020 Realness Celine GabrielleWolfville, NS Size 36" x 36" Medium Oil and acrylic on canvas, unframed I’m inspired by identity and how we use clothes to tell the world who we are, our personal circumstances, and maybe even who we aspire to be. Sometimes clothing can represent a time in our culture and even connect us to our history. Clothes tell fascinating stories. Category Is: 2020 Realness Celine GabrielleWolfville, NS About the artist About the artist Celine GabrielleWolfville, NS Celine Gabrielle never expected to be an artist. But then again, she never expected to be a married mother of two living in a small town by the ocean in Nova Scotia, Canada. But she is. Life happens. It also happened when a wrist disability left her unable to keep her aesthetics business going. She had to choose what to do next. She had always dreamt of being an artist. It brought her so much joy, from finger-painting in kindergarten to sketching designs and making clothes, to life drawing in high school art class and now making art every day. Follow on social