A Cautionary Tale Judith WalkerPender Island, BC Size 48" x 36" Medium Oil/beeswax on birch panel “A Cautionary Tale” is the first in the trilogy “Paintings for This Time.” It commenced as the Covid 19 virus began to change life as we knew it. Initially, the image felt alarmingly dystopian, which truly frightened me. As the image continued to unfold, I understood it was reflective of denial and how we are potentially wounded when we do not truly listen. A Cautionary Tale Judith WalkerPender Island, BC About the artist About the artist Judith WalkerPender Island, BC Judith Walker is a painter living on Pender Island. She describes her process and artwork in the following passage: "Standing before a blank canvas is like jumping off a high dive not knowing when or how you are going to land. The surprise and release of breath that comes with surfacing is always the hook. I've been working at this craft in some form or fashion for most of my life. Following love and moving to the Gulf Islands some 35 years ago truly set the course. My work has followed a predictable journey from the real to the abstract and non-objective. I am now an elder painter who cannot see a time when I turn in my paintbrushes or leave my studio unattended. I, like so many painters, remain curious and always look forward to the next dive come what may." Follow on social